How Reasors Uses Recipes to Double Down on Digital Growth

  • Room: Forum 115-116
Monday,February 28, 2022:9:45 AM -10:30 AM


David Peterson
Vice President of Retail Operations, Merchandising and Marketing
Reasor's Foods
Katie Hotze
Founder & CEO
Grocery Shopii


Reasor’s Foods made it easier for online grocery customers to go from “recipe to table” in September of 2021 with the launch of their recipe shopping experience, aptly titled RecipeToTable and fueled by recipe tech company Grocery Shopii. After six months, Reasors has learned the power of recipes to generate highly engaged digital shoppers with bigger baskets and significantly higher checkout rates. Join us as we share how RecipeToTable is reshaping future outcomes for Reasor’s online sales.



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